+64 27 462 4872 editor@mahurangi.org.nz

The Mahurangi Magazine

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Rail with trail

Rather than cannibalising rail, trail can be supporting the economics of both
One billion trees and bugger the science

One billion trees and bugger the science

In 2004, $3 million over 5 years sounded like all Mahurangi’s Christmases had come at once. But a back-of-a-seed-packet calculation strongly suggested that the $3 million the former Auckland Regional Council had budgeted would barely touch the sides, when it…

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Visiting Aotearoa for all the right reasons

Visiting Aotearoa for all the right reasons

Neither of New Zealand’s two main industries is currently sustainable. Its once-vaunted agricultural industry, a proud part of the green revolution, is now a climate delinquent, due to the white gold-rush. Tourism, which continues to outdistance dairy as…

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Shweeb and/or rail-saving trail-with-rail

Shweeb and/or rail-saving trail-with-rail

Aotearoa must urgently re-invent its tourism model. Currently it is heavily dependent upon air travel, which will increasingly become cripplingly expensive thanks to peaked oil and user-pays for greenhouse gases. Aside from the obvious need for more…

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