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Dedicated to the Mahurangi and the Mahurangi Harbour community

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United States Troops, Queen Street, World War II

chapter 9 – Dire need to name
Mega-climate polycrisis

Cimino | 9 Jul 2024
By its first centennial, all bets are off as to what the ever-deepening, mega-climate polycrisis will be being called, much less by the time its first millenniala 1000th anniversary or its celebration. First known, adjectival use recorded 1660 rolls round. Cimino, in 2024, has adopted Climate Polycrisis, fully cognisant of the possibility that, by the end of…

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Launching of the SS Zebulon B. Vance

chapter 12 – Liberty kitchen
End to child hunger

Cimino | 21 Jul 2024
Food, clothing, shelter, and something to hope for—to paraphrase Kirk. First for a few, and now for gen­erations, since 1984 when the Labour Party set about with its secret, state-destroying agenda, increasing numbers of New Zealand children have gone…

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Mahurangi Coastal Path map

appendix 3
Coastal path summary

Light the Fuse – Appendix 3
Coastal Path and the Greater Mahurangi Regional Park, surely, was the most comprehensive submission Auckland Council could have hoped to receive in response to its draft management plan. It details how the regional parks can perform their primary…

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J Barry Ferguson boarding namesake on his 92nd birthday Mahurangi River picnic excursion

Giselle and Gabrielle 
Storms of their grandchildren

Cimino | 23 Feb 2023
That, in modern meteorological history, Aotearoa has never been hit by a tropical cyclone, is no fluke. The clue, of course, is tropical. Not that a tropical cyclone can’t survive beyond the tropics, or even beyond the subtopics—Gabrielle was in the subtropics within…

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Mahurangi Harbour regatta morning 2023

Atmospheric river alters regatta 
Cancellation algorithm

Cimino | 8 Feb 2023
Mahurangi Regatta 2023, or rather its cancellation, has added an important loop to the loose algorithm that has been run 46 times since Mahurangi Action revived an institution—of which only scant clues had survived, as to how it was run. Initially, the sailing and…

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Barge J Barry Ferguson, on plane

Hungry-Creek-Road-first policy 
Right for the wrong reasons

Cimino | 30 Sep 2022
Prioritising private-light-vehicle access via Hungry Creek Road, ahead of a footbridge across Te Muri estuary, is countercounterproductive in response to suggestion of using a possibly more politic adjective than the ‘perverse’ used in the first draft, and my ‘pertinacious’ second stab… productivepossibly more productive adjective than the ‘perverse’ used in the first draft, and my ‘pertinacious’ second stab? policy making, utterly and hope­lessly incompatible with Auckland Council’s own declared climate emergency. Fortunately, the tens…

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Avspecs Ltd-restored Mosquito—RAF FB.IV night intruder variant, NS838—during flight testing in New Zealand prior to disassembly and shipment to the United States

Thinking outside the 
Three-bedroom-breeding box

Cimino | 11 Jun 2022
Good for absolutely nothing, war is now preoccupying the every waking moment that should be fiercely focussed on the climate emergency. For those born into the post-war optimism of the United Nations, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sharply increased the struggle…

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Caitlin Owston Doyle warping the barge Pooh into position at the Wenderholm Jetty, 2014

Seeing great regional park for the 
parks, coastal path for trails

Cimino | 25 Mar 2022
Waiwera to Mullet Point, is a coastline of mostly regional parkland—all but about 3.5 of the 13 km from Mahurangi Island to Mullet Point already is. Yet, that all-but contiguous 1000 hectares of regional parkland is officially five separate parks—six, unless a major…

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Swiss suffragettes, 1971

Make direct democracy 
Smart democracy

Cimino | 23 Sep 2024
Professor David Altman wrote the book on it. Academics know it as direct democracy; Australians, bless ’em, mostly as plebiscites; New Zealanders as referendumsor New Zealanders, when confronted by a microphone: referenda. Semantics aside, most democracies allow for direct democracy, to a greater or lesser extent…

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Climate Politics Still Frozen, Robert Beatty

Honest cop preferable to 
Climate Pearl Harbor

Cimino | 30 Oct 2021
Globally, writers are giving their best shot to the imperative of persuading the Glasgow conference parties that, this time, they must mobilise meaningful climate action. One such writer, the Guardian’s re-wilding guru, George Monbiot, in his masterly eve…

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Disclosure The editor of the Mahurangi Magazine is the secretary of both Mahurangi Action Incorporated and the Mahurangi Coastal Path Trust. The content published here, however, is that of the editorially independent, independently funded Mahurangi Magazine.


Dedicated to democratic Climate Polycrisis-megamobilisation and the Mahurangi.
Copyright ©2025 Mahurangi Magazine.
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