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Meeting to form Transition Town Warkworth

by 30 Apr 2008Climate action, Warkworth0 comments

Jonah Field oil and gas pad

Fossil-Fuelled Fanaticism: Had it not been for fracking, peak oil might have put a crimp in civilisation’s hell-bent rush to spend its 200–300-million-year fossil-fuel legacy all in the one shop and render Earth’s climate largely unsurvivable for its own species. It is testament to humanity’s loss of control of its own affairs that the fracking that is sealing its fate is not economically viable, but is yet another bubble—set to collapse, with catastrophic consequences for the global economy. image DeSmog

No doubt you are aware of climate change. Maybe you have heard of peak oil. But what can you do?

Peak oil and climate change will drastically change the way we live. Food, transport and energy costs are predicted to soar. Weather patterns will change. Humankind will face unprecedented challenges.

While it means big changes in everyday life, it doesn’t mean doom and gloom. Communities throughout Aotearoa have started taking a proactive and creative grassroots approach:

  • rebuilding communities, sharing
  • ideas and skills, growing food locally and
  • solving their own unique problems.
Transition Towns

Transition Towns are communities looking peak oil and climate change squarely in the eye. The movement began in England and is spreading across the world. By unleashing collective genius of our communities, we can drastically reduce carbon emissions and thrive in the face of peak oil.

What can I do?

Share your hopes and dreams for your community; share your expertise and experiences. Most importantly, get stuck in and transform our community, and our world.

The Transition Towns movement is growing in the world, Aotearoa, and Warkworth—check our website as the list is growing! www.transitiontowns.org.nz
Follow the link Interested Towns to find the page for Warkworth.

Richard Bromley
550 Cowan Bay Road
Registered Professional Surveyor