Naming rites

Rodmersham Circa 1900: Shelley Trotter’s great-grandfather Alex in Rodmersham’s conservatory, when Mark’s wife Lindsay’s great-grandaunt held the property. publication Jade River : A History of the Mahurangi
Come on guys, let’s not get too carried away here.
With respect, ‘initiative strategy’ sounds like Wellington-speak for ‘thinking ahead’.
Try Mahurangi Protection Plan.
Unequivocal, all embracing and durable.
Editor’s note Mark allows that protection precludes development—walkways, marking and dredging the Mahurangi River, etc.
We jointly lament the circumstances that have led most folk to consider development to be a dirty word. Similarly that plan, in the context of district plans, has come to mean all-rules-and-no-plan.
Postscript In future, when this sometimes subeditor’s stuck for a snappy headline, who’s he gonna call—Kirby!