Invitation to the launch of the draft plan
Draft Mahurangi Action Plan Launch Monday 31 May 6–8pm
Venue Mahurangi River Winery, 162 Hamilton Road (off Sandspit Road)

Blank Canvas: The bird’s eye view of the Mahurangi commissioned to encourage engagement in the action plan process. artist Jefferson Chapple
After many workshops and much hard work together drafting the Mahurangi Action Plan (a strategic plan for the catchment 2010–2030), we are very pleased to announce the launch of the draft plan for consultation.
The consultation period runs from 31 May to 18 June.
Also included at the launch will be the premiere of Mahurangi Action Plan: weaving science and community into action, a story of the restoration of the Mahurangi filmed by Craig Powell.
Given limited numbers, RSVPs are essential to or phone 09 366 2000 extn 8193.
Other activities to support the consultation will include
- A double-page spread in the June edition of the Mahurangi Matters
- Two-week display at Hall’s, 22 Queen Street, Warkworth
- Auckland Regional Council
- The latest here on the Mahurangi Magazine.
Working paper: Integration
Working paper appendix: Appendix
Matrix: Draft Issues Matrix