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The Mahurangi Magazine

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Mahurangi Action Plan

…in all its phases and iterations, 2004–
Transcending council boundaries in wahapū Mahurangi

Transcending council boundaries in wahapū Mahurangi

When Mahurangi Action Incorporated was formed, in December 1974—as Friends of the Mahurangi—the local town council was seen as the enemy. The proximate threat, in the eyes of the community, was that the town council’s plans for a new wastewater treatment plant would…

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Mahurangi West land restoration planting Sunday 11 July

Mahurangi West land restoration planting Sunday 11 July

Officially, the West is East, but in practice it is neither, nor is it in the Mahurangi hydrological catchment, it being in that of Te Muri. First planting day under the Mahurangi Land Restoration label appears to be an echo of the first under the $3 million Mahurangi Action…

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Talking Heads community vhf land mobile radio

Talking Heads community vhf land mobile radio

In an ideal world, or even a fractionally less perverse one, the free-regatta-shuttlebus drivers would need to do nothing more than download an app. The cellular coverage at Scotts Landing would be so comprehensive that the opportunity, for example, for a driver to…

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Weed control’s loss wicked sediment mitigation gain

Weed control’s loss wicked sediment mitigation gain

“The good roads in the north, are in the south.” Thomas R Roydhouse, fourth owner–editor of the Rodney Times, in his lament to parliamentarians he’d enticed to the Mahurangi tidehead town, reflected that following deforestation, Warkworth was an island in a sea of…

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$30 million Mahurangi action plan

$30 million Mahurangi action plan

$3 million over 5 years seemed, for a moment there in 2004, as though all the Mahurangi Harbour’s Christmases had come at once. Even in today’s money, $9.06 million is more than twice the 2004 amount, but nor, back then, does it mean that the Mahurangi’s sediment woes…

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Ceding second-Wednesdays for fourth-Thursdays

Ceding second-Wednesdays for fourth-Thursdays

As of midnight last Monday, dredging the town basin and river downstream became the most urgent Mahurangi project. Up until that deadline, feedback on the structure plan that will shape development of Mahurangi’s tidehead town for…

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Super Masonic solution to blank riverbank wall

Super Masonic solution to blank riverbank wall

Mahurangi Magazine has stuck its neck out by soliciting support for its suggested solution to the ugly butt of the Old Masonic Hall. The timing was poor. Six days before Christmas meant that most folk missed the email and, as of this morning, only…

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‘Up the Mahu!’ day-after-the-regatta flotilla

‘Up the Mahu!’ day-after-the-regatta flotilla

There could only be one flagship for the ‘Up the Mahu!’ day-after-the-regatta demonstration. The Jane Gifford scow, aside from being the face of the Mahurangi Regatta since 2010, following her heroic restoration, epitomises the necessity of…

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Time for town hall to take it to city hall

Time for town hall to take it to city hall

Warkworth Town Hall, inescapably, is where the community should assemble to make decisions for itself. Not the Auckland Town Hall, with its region-wide responsibilities for a city of 1.7 million. In a slightly less imperfect world, Mahurangi…

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Whitebait deserve layer too Waiwera – Waipū

Whitebait deserve layer too Waiwera – Waipū

When a Warkworth Town Hall Talk catalysed the Mahurangi-based green-lipped mussel reef restoration research project, it triggered a veritable chain reaction. The immediate impact was to shock the community into taking responsibility for a ‘Mahurangi…

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Millrace to the rescue of whitebait and weir

Millrace to the rescue of whitebait and weir

Millennia before human habitation, the natural sandstone weir at the Mahurangi River tidehead would have formed a formidable barrier to īnanga in their imperative to migrate from the sea to freshwater reaches. Then, over about the last 6000 years, towards…

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Phase 3 of action plan to connect the dots

Phase 3 of action plan to connect the dots

Billed as a district and regional council initiative—in reality, all the running had been made by the Auckland Regional Council—the goal of Mahurangi Action Plan, launched in 2004, was to kickstart the fencing and planting of riparian margins, and…

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Mahurangi mussels in to save the planet

Mahurangi mussels in to save the planet

Green-lipped-mussel-reef establishment might seem an unlikely choice for a climate-change tour-de-force by the organisation that revived the Mahurangi Regatta 42 years ago this summer. But Mahurangi Action believes that the beauty of the…

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Second time science mussels into the Mahurangi

Second time science mussels into the Mahurangi

The first time science brought its muscle to bear was in 2004. After ten years of studies aimed at baselining selected catchments ahead of urban development impacts, the scientists involved persuaded the former Auckland Regional Council that…

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Strategic significance of river restoration

Strategic significance of river restoration

As submitted by Mahurangi Action Incorporated 28 March 2018: Mahurangi Action supports the urgent funding of the consented dredging of sediment from the Mahurangi River, to restore the navigability of the river up to and including the Warkworth…

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Now the commission wants to explore

Now the commission wants to explore

At least Ōrewa is equally inconvenient for all Rodney residents. In its case for twin local board areas, the Mahurangi Magazine pointed out: So disparate are the areas, that meetings of the Rodney Local Board are held in Ōrewa, which is in neither half. Now…

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Warkworth, the watershed, and the whitebait

Warkworth, the watershed, and the whitebait

Mahurangi was always going to need all the help it could get. When, in 2004, the then Auckland Regional Council announced a $3 million, 5-year kickstart to address the harbour’s elevated sediment accumulation rate, Mahurangi Action was advised…

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Mahurangi Action states its support for dredging

Mahurangi Action states its support for dredging

Mahurangi Action Incorporated is strongly in support of the application for resource consent by the Mahurangi River Restoration Trust to undertake capital and maintenance dredging of the Mahurangi River and to deposit dredging material at 121 Hepburn…

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Cool brainstorming-breakfast interconnectedness

Cool brainstorming-breakfast interconnectedness

February’s was a fizzer; literally a non-event. The first Thursday of the month after the Mahurangi Regatta is generally too soon for anyone involved to have had time to come up for air, and thus February’s should be permanently scotched. But…

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Portals could power town-basin transformation

Portals could power town-basin transformation

Warkworth doesn’t boast of much of a town basin. Topographically, the tidal Mahurangi River terminates in a bit of a tight squeeze, compared with, for example, Whangārei. But what Warkworth lacks by way of a commodious tidal headwater…

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Work on Warkworth pilot to reduce sediment generation

Work on Warkworth pilot to reduce sediment generation

Omelettes can’t be made without cracking eggs, nor roads and houses built without moving a certain amount of earth. On the big jobs, such as residential subdivisions, the resource consents required ensure that robust controls are put in place, which…

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Scenic ridge road and some unintended consequences

Scenic ridge road and some unintended consequences

Dedicated to John Timmins 31.10.1950–22.11.2012 It was clearly going to be breathtaking. The view of the Mahurangi Harbour, once the dozen or so big old radiata pine were removed to make way for the first comprehensive scenic ridge road lookout, overlooking Huawai...

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City hall help to crank-up the club

City hall help to crank-up the club

The Mahurangi Club was to meet on the first Monday of every month. That way, attendance of the Mahurangi River Winery gatherings would likely grow, and Mahurangi Action Plan momentum would build. When the odd Mahurangi Forum was scheduled, the plan was to dispense...

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Speaker more than spatially competent

Speaker more than spatially competent

Mostly, the Mahurangi Club is the first Monday of the month. But in March, it will be one week later—the 14th. While Mahurangi River Winery’s Shelley Trotter was relaxed about the gathering being held in her premises in her absence on the scheduled Monday, she was not...

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Old Masonic Hall to see new public forum

Old Masonic Hall to see new public forum

Local government reform always provokes vociferous reaction. The Royal Commission on Auckland Governance, regardless of how democratically or otherwise it proceeded, was always going to aggrieve a goodly percentage of the region. The semi-rural…

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Scientist suggests grass up the beach

Scientist suggests grass up the beach

It is synonymous with summer at the beach. Swimming, interspersed with luxuriating in the warm, soft, dry sand of the beach. Increasingly though, the reality is hard-packed sand all the way to the seawall. The practice of building near the shoreline was always going...

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Final approval calls for a little dedication

Final approval calls for a little dedication

In the event, it took about two minutes. Thirty-five years ago, the then county council wasn’t interested, when single-term councillor John Male urged it. Nor was Rodney District Council, when, on innumerable subsequent occasions, Mahurangi Action…

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It’s official, the action plan is half-official

It’s official, the action plan is half-official

A dozen years would have been an insufferable delay. Three dozen, for some, a lifetime. But as of Tuesday, Mahurangi Action founding chairman John Male’s vision for a Mahurangi plan is formally endorsed by the Auckland Regional Council, in…

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Anything but the motorway access

Anything but the motorway access

The suggestion has been made before. That a Mahurangi Club be established where proponents can socialise and discuss life, the Mahurangi, and everything. And not just at a general-purpose venue, but at some civilised haunt with a bar and hors d'œuvres. And with the...

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Plan for Mahurangi a million miles away

Plan for Mahurangi a million miles away

For the first time in more than 150 years, the Mahurangi is about to have a plan. But it won’t much resemble the last one, which was essentially a subdivision to form ‘Mahurangi Township’. Charles Heaphy vc supervised the survey, and such was his enthusiasm for the plan…

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Link Waiwera with coastal cycle trail

Link Waiwera with coastal cycle trail

It’s just what the heart surgeon ordered. Infrastructure for a healthy citizenry and a healthy tourist industry: The New Zealand Cycle Trail—that refreshing, if belated, large-scale antidote to the arrant nonsense pedalled for decades that Aotearoa…

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Plan only draft but lookout for action

Plan only draft but lookout for action

The Mahurangi Action Plan is in action already. Despite being only in draft form, publication has boosted one of the projects proposed in the Mahurangi Action Plan. Mahurangi West farmer Mike Neil was catching up on some reading during a period of physical idleness enforced…

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A launch a première and call that a celebration

A launch a première and call that a celebration

The venue could not have been better. It had location. The Mahurangi Magazine e-mailed a last-minute heads up that the bar was opening at 5.30pm. (This was later amended further to 5pm but a second email might have sent a message of unseemly preoccupation with drink!)...

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Draft plan partly there in black and white

Draft plan partly there in black and white

It is partly symbolic. Copies of the draft Mahurangi Action Plan that are pawed over, on Monday night, will not have been printed in colour. While printing in black and white reduces cost and conserves non-renewable resources, the main motivation was to send a strong...

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Last-minute changes cause to plan for celebration

Last-minute changes cause to plan for celebration

Aucklanders are Mahurangi Harbour’s best friends… …and, potentially, its worst enemies. Individually, Aucklanders would turn Mahurangi into Mangawhai. Collectively, with regional governance, they will protect that value they and the locals hold dear: The sense of...

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Invitation to the launch of the draft plan

Invitation to the launch of the draft plan

Draft Mahurangi Action Plan Launch Monday 31 May 6–8pm Venue Mahurangi River Winery, 162 Hamilton Road (off Sandspit Road) After many workshops and much hard work together drafting the Mahurangi Action Plan (a strategic plan for the catchment 2010–2030), we are very...

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Matrix can help save landscape and planet

Matrix can help save landscape and planet

Saving the planet was once a euphemism for environmental prissiness. Much better to look after numero uno, one’s family, the community or, at a pinch, the local environment. But that has changed dramatically due to the diminishing window of opportunity to mitigate,...

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Mahurangi landscape and the matrix

Mahurangi landscape and the matrix

The best is still left till last. But landscape was almost left off entirely, as a separate workshop topic—bumped by regional council enthusiasm to introduce a matrix method of determining which actions ticked, as it were, which boxes. The surprise move met determined...

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Mahurangi soon to see dawn of plan

Mahurangi soon to see dawn of plan

The best has been left till last: Landscape. Landscape is the Mahurangi’s greatest asset. Not only is it a harbourscape of outstanding natural beauty, Mahurangi is unique in having an emphatically rural landscape, in spite of being the first natural harbour north of...

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Avoid ‘dredging’ with access code

Avoid ‘dredging’ with access code

Dredging, by definition, is a dirty business. Which is why the draft working paper addressing the issue uses the code access. While many will see this as inexcusable political correctness, it is actually entirely sound to define the objective, rather than just one...

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Copenhagen cue for catchment as climate action showcase

Copenhagen cue for catchment as climate action showcase

Climate action is set to become the only game in town. Which could leave the Mahurangi starved of funds for reducing its elevated sediment accumulation rate. But rather than compete with climate action projects, the Mahurangi is perfectly positioned to be a climate...

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Marine farming the nasty way or the nice way

Marine farming the nasty way or the nice way

There are two ways to stop teredo. Build oyster farms from unpalatable material, or from palatable material impregnated with poisons. Biomarine, for its vast new Kaipara harbour farm, has chosen to eschew poisons such as chromium arsenates. Instead of…

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Yes to shift a few tons of this earthly delight

Yes to shift a few tons of this earthly delight

The dream of dredging the Mahurangi River to restore its navigability fills some with hope, some with dread. The vast majority would welcome it, but only if it could be accomplished without further despoiling the already severely stressed benthic…

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No room for global warming elephant in the harbour

No room for global warming elephant in the harbour

Work is proceeding apace on the first-ever collaborative Mahurangi plan. The decision to embrace the production of a holistic plan did not come quickly or easy for the Auckland Regional Council. Having discovered, somewhat inadvertently, that the harbour was in dire...

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First workshop focuses on the how and the who

First workshop focuses on the how and the who

The first was always going to be the most fraught. This in spite of the objective of the workshops being very simple: To put the plan in the Mahurangi Action Plan, collaboratively. The plan itself is straightforward, if the premise is accepted that it should...

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Mahurangi West Hall meeting to get behind the seawall

Mahurangi West Hall meeting to get behind the seawall

Craig Davis is a rare breed of coastal engineer. One that is passionate about resisting the human instinct to armour the coastline with manmade structures. But if a seawall is needed, Mr Davis can be relied upon to design one that does not offend nature. Seawalls are...

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Naming rites

Naming rites

Letter Come on guys, let’s not get too carried away here. With respect, ‘initiative strategy’ sounds like Wellington-speak for ‘thinking ahead’. Try Mahurangi Protection Plan. Unequivocal, all embracing and durable.   Editor’s note Mark allows that protection...

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Brunel’s biggest groupie

Brunel’s biggest groupie

Letter I believe I may be one of Mr I K Brunel’s biggest groupies. I’ve done them all, the railway, the ship, the office, the grave. He’s the greatest of the greats. I happen to travel Brunel’s line to Cardiff once a week for work and we’ve just had a holiday in...

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No glaring acronyms here

No glaring acronyms here

Letter Firstly, you must be congratulated on the excellent online Mahurangi Magazine—it continues to be of interest and relevance. Thank you for allowing us to share it; we love it. You asked for comment on the title Mahurangi Initiative Strategy. Here is my small...

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‘We’ name you: Mahurangi Initiative Strategy

‘We’ name you: Mahurangi Initiative Strategy

Mahurangi Breakfast Club Fridays 7.30–8.30am Ducks Crossing Café The Auckland Regional Council has signalled its support for the collaborative development of a strategic planfor the Mahurangi. Although the regional council envisages that the plan will be entirely...

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The strength of hope-based networks

The strength of hope-based networks

Letter Thanks for the opportunity to attend the Mahurangi Initiative forum. It was a great gathering, very interesting and I echo Marcus Shipton’s comments—a great group of people all positively engaged in the important subjects at hand affecting our beautiful...

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From the ridiculous to the sublime

From the ridiculous to the sublime

So much progress is being achieved towards sustainability. Beginning with the international stage, just over a year ago when it dawned that Barack Obama was on the road to making Earth-repairing history, the editor was determined to fully…

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Hoping for a soft recovery for harbour

Hoping for a soft recovery for harbour

Is the river getting cleaner? Several times this week I’ve seen small shoals of baby squid, near to where the watering wharf might go. I’ve never seen them before in the river. Do other people normally see them but I have missed them, or is this…

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A long way in thirty-five years

A long way in thirty-five years

A water right application in 1974 served as the rallying call. It precipitated the formation of Friends of the Mahurangi, on 17 December that year. And that its inaugural meeting was held barely a week before Christmas gives a fair indication as to how het up the...

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A network for Mahurangi restoration and enjoyment

A network for Mahurangi restoration and enjoyment

Four years to the day. When folk meet for the first time as the ‘Mahurangi Initiative Forum’, on 23 February 2009, it will be precisely four years since the Wenderholm meeting that was held to discuss the formation of a Mahurangi catchment trust. At first glance…

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Likely look of a Mahurangi unplanned

Likely look of a Mahurangi unplanned

Doing nothing is always an option. And while doing nothing has already been rejected in favour of collaboratively developing a long-term plan, it is important record where the Mahurangi is otherwise currently headed. Three conspicuous changes have occurred to the...

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Mahurangi Action Plan discussion beyond 2009

Mahurangi Action Plan discussion beyond 2009

As you may be aware, we recently held a community workshop on the future of the Mahurangi Action Plan. We had a great turnout, with lots of engaged, lively discussion. The focus of that evening was on what the next phase of Mahurangi Action Plan might look like,...

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Action plan discussion back at the Old Masonic

Action plan discussion back at the Old Masonic

It will be just one month shy of four years. The last public Mahurangi Action Plan discussion, with Auckland Regional Council involvement, took place on October 2004—and also at the Old Masonic Hall. There was an intervening gathering, in February 2005, but with no...

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Planting at Sandspit Road Sunday afternoon at Shelley’s

Planting at Sandspit Road Sunday afternoon at Shelley’s

This Sunday it is Shelley Trotter’s turn to receive some help with her massive riparian retirement programme. It’s the second of two Mahurangi Action Plan community planting days, the first was at Mike Edwards’ property, immediately downstream from Hepburn Creek. The...

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Draft action plan stocktake review preview

Draft action plan stocktake review preview

Friday’s breakfast will preview the Auckland Regional Council’s draft review of the Mahurangi Action Plan. This is set to be the best attended breakfast since the 11 July discussion of Settlements of the Future. Mahurangi Action Plan project leader Kim…

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Sitting member to attend small beer breakfast

Sitting member to attend small beer breakfast

The convener thought it was only fair to say, when Lockwood Smith’s electorate agent phoned, that the forum was small beer indeed. And that it would be entirely understood if the member of parliament’s priorities precluded his attending the weekly…

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Brainstorming breakfast gets to meet David Hay

Brainstorming breakfast gets to meet David Hay

The topics discussed at the Mahurangi brainstorming breakfasts are many and varied: governance of the region; restoration of indigenous forest; indigenous forestry; reduction of sediment generation; and the opportunities for Warkworth…

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Warkworth riverside dinner could have been regatta

Warkworth riverside dinner could have been regatta

A number of times the Mahurangi Regatta has had to be cancelled. On one occasion, controversially, it was the weather before the regatta, rather than on the day, that caused the cancellation of the shoreside regatta—the unprecedentedly rain-soaked regional park...

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Mahurangi action plan yes we can

Mahurangi action plan yes we can

”We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.” I’d been struggling with how to simply and succinctly explain what the Mahurangi Magazine and the…

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Beyond the action plan rules of engagement

Beyond the action plan rules of engagement

Updated 10 January 2008 The Mahurangi Action Plan has officially entered a new and crucial phase— one in which even the name may change. At a meeting of its environmental management committee, on 11 December, the Auckland Regional Council endorsed the engagement...

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Kid’s eco-camps continue wholesome tradition

Kid’s eco-camps continue wholesome tradition

The two ‘eco-camps’ planned this month for 8–13-year-olds as part of the Mahurangi Action Plan activities continue a worthy tradition of summer camps in the harbour. The Schoolhouse Bay property, which Rex Fairburn found for Mahurangi Action founder…

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Mangroves Thirty-Square-Metre Loophole

Mangroves Thirty-Square-Metre Loophole

Friends of the Mahurangi’s submission was lodged today on the proposed changes to the Auckland regional coastal plan regarding mangrove management. The submission strongly supports the need for Plan Change 4: Mangrove Management, and generally supports the detail of...

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Proposed Scotts Landing wharf would reduce traffic

Proposed Scotts Landing wharf would reduce traffic

Scotts Landing’s new wharf has proved to be wonderfully successful. As local oyster farmers, our frequent use of the landing means that we get to see just how well it works—from kids fishing through to loading provisions and crew aboard local yachts, and simply as a...

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Walk down to a stream, see crystal-clear water

Walk down to a stream, see crystal-clear water

Forum South-East Asian Survey Congress My name is Lottie Thompson. I’m eleven years old and I live in the Mahurangi Catchment. I’m here to represent my district, Rodney. We are here to share what we do to help our area. My passions are horses and the environment. When...

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Children of the Mahurangi thank their sponsors

Children of the Mahurangi thank their sponsors

As we prepare to depart this evening, a huge thank you to the councils, individuals, community organisations, and companies (listed below) who have contributed financially toward the costs of sending the children to Christchurch to present to the South-East Asian...

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Mangrove native for a mere nineteen million years

Mangrove native for a mere nineteen million years

I find it difficult to understand just why I so adore mangroves. I only came into close contact with them in my early teens, when my family moved to Waiwera from just south of the 38th parallel—about the southern limit of mangrove habitat. My respect for them was...

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28–29 September River Magic

28–29 September River Magic

Yesterday, the curtain went up on the Magic River, a show that uses dance, drama and puppets to tell the story of our local rivers. Follow the adventures of the raindrops as they journey down the Mahurangi River in the company of Tree Guardian and Lily. Meet the...

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Friends sponsor children to River Magic theatre

Friends sponsor children to River Magic theatre

Today and tomorrow, local theatre company Magic Earth Theatre is holding four performances of its unique River Magic. This promises to be a delight, and it is totally dedicated the restoration of the Mahurangi. Deniece Gannaway, the vision, producer and director...

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Today we meet Ms Morresey at Ransom Wines

Today we meet Ms Morresey at Ransom Wines

The editor is looking forward to it. A gathering with prospects for more human and meaningful exchanges—after two ‘meet the candidates’ meetings, with several more to come. Purposeful, positive, discussion one-on-one or in small groups in…

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That sublime feeling: My work here is done

That sublime feeling: My work here is done

I just had to call Shane Hartley. Fortunately for Shane he was on the phone, so I had to contain my excitement and write an email. Others hadn’t been quite so lucky that afternoon and quite a lot of phone time was spent reporting an historic breakthrough: The...

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After decades of inaction, action plan for clean up

After decades of inaction, action plan for clean up

New Mahurangi Action Plan project leader, Kim Morresey, has helped set up a meeting of stakeholders determined to end the impasse over derelict oyster farms. Responsibility for governance of marine farming now rests with Auckland Regional Council. The transfer of...

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Invitation to come meet Ms Morresey

Invitation to come meet Ms Morresey

We were discussing the curious characteristics of committees. I mentioned, to the new Mahurangi Action Plan project leader, that the last ‘formal’ Friends of the Mahurangi meeting was a year ago, and at Ransom Wines. And then felt it necessary to quickly explain that...

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A great harbour worth saving

A great harbour worth saving

L e t t e r Jim Dollimore, Biomarine Limited Since [13 July] we have had another storm!—I will have to close the factory for at least a week and send the staff on holiday. However the oyster farm and oyster culling staff will be around and it is a good opportunity for...

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Jim’s ill wind

Jim’s ill wind

The concept is consummate. With a severe storm approaching, faced with the likelihood of the harbour being closed for up to five days, and the prospect of having to lay off four or five workers until harvesting recommenced, Jim Dollimore emailed the editor suggesting...

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Induction emphasises derelict marine farm opportunity

Induction emphasises derelict marine farm opportunity

She was fresh home from a sailing holiday in Tonga. But Kim Morresey was only too happy to be back on the water, and as a seafood enthusiast, couldn’t be happier that it was aboard a Mahurangi oyster barge. Sadly, oysters were not on the menu, the…

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mg parts manufacturer as Mahurangi West farmer

mg parts manufacturer as Mahurangi West farmer

Liverpudlian Mike Neil did not become a New Zealander by accident. Nor did he come to live in the Mahurangi by accident. Becoming a Mahurangi West farmer was accidental—owning another farm was something he and his partner, Norma Neil, had…

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